Water base protection: from audit to planning


Nowadays, water has become an extremely valuable and highly protected natural resource.

Whether it is the use of industrial and agricultural water or the sustainable operation of public water supply services, the key area of ​​responsible water management today is the adequate protection of water resources in all areas of life.

It is in the interest of all water users to preserve the purity and quantity of the water they extract, be it drinking water, irrigation water, industrial water, thermal water, mineral water or medicinal water.

The preparation of the water base protection plan is an officially prescribed task, which serves the quantitative and qualitative protection of water abstraction.


In the framework of the condition survey of the recharge area delimited by leakage hydraulic modeling of water abstractions, we comprehensively examine the affected land uses, pollution sources and other surrounding water abstractions.

The plan for the security and safety of the given water base is prepared on the basis of the results of the complex survey.

Once the plan has been approved, the competent Water Authority will register the designated protection zones around the well. These areas need to be kept more secure. Safety tasks guarantee the protection of the water base from pollution and other water abstractions.


  • preparation of the required documentation and plans for the implementation of planned water production for any purpose
  • professional knowledge, 25 years of experience in similar procedures


  • ensuring the tied water demand, quantity and quality protection of existing water production facilities (mineral water bottling, waterworks, thermal bath, etc.)
  • during the implementation of planned water production facilities
  • when expanding existing water production facilities


  • Water base protection diagnostics and security plan of Theodora Kékkút and Theodora Kereki mineral water wells
  • Nestlé Aquarel mineral water well water base protection diagnostics and security plan
  • Preparation of water base protection plans for the wells of several waterworks within the framework of the Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program, delimitation of protection zones, planning, permitting (Northern Great Plain Region, Southern Great Plain Region, Mórahalom, Tiszazug, etc.)
  • water base protection diagnostics and security plan for about 40 operating and long-term drinking water bases
  • water base protection diagnostics and security plan for the spa and thermal water bases of spas, local governments (Sárvár, Bük, Gyula, etc.)
On - site water quality control tools

On – site water quality control tools

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