Arsenic is a common element in the earth’s crust that is highly dangerous to the human body. The main source of pollution is sedimentary rock layers, which play a key role in the storage of groundwater and can have a high arsenic content.
Arsenic released from the rocks may be present in high concentrations in the drinking water strata in the southern parts of the Carpathian Basin (Southern Great Plain, Vojvodina). Arsenic removal of drinking water is a priority water quality issue to reduce human risks. According to the limits in force in the European Union, the presence of a maximum of 0.01 mg/l of arsenic in drinking water is permitted.
The technical solution offered by the engineers of AQUAPROFIT Co. is able to guarantee water quality that meets the strictest possible regulations.
The innovative ASR System, which provides an efficient solution for removing arsenic in a way that integrates well with any system.
Thanks to the flexibility of our technology, the filtration modules and water purification systems of the Aquaprofit ASR System ensures the arsenic removal of used water in many parts of the country.
- Size range and technology that can be adapted to the customer’s needs
- Possibility of PLC control included in individual or central system
- Easy to install, assemble, well scalable components
- Design, fitting, piping according to individual needs on request
- Optimized chemical and energy use
- Service life optimization for adsorption charges
- Natural water source
- Volume flow: 2-100 m3/h
- Filtration speed: 10 m/h
- Operating pressure: maximum 6 bar
- Northern Great Plain Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program / Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of Phase I (Bihartorda, Csökmő, Darvas, Mezősas, Nyíradony, Pocsaj / Esztár)
- Northern Great Plain Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program / Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of Phase I (Hajdúnánás, Ebes)
- Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of the Northern Hajdúság Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Görbeháza, Hajdúdorog, Hajdúnánás-Tedej)
- Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of the Tiszazug Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Cserkeszőlő, Csépa, Martfű, Öcsöd, Tiszaföldvár)