Every drop of healthy drinking water is a treasure, as the water resources of our planet have been available in unchanged quantities for billions of years. What this actually means is also well illustrated by the info graphics in the video below.
The sustainable exploitation and protection of water resources that can be used for drinking water is one of the top priority issues of responsible water management in our time.

Öttömös waterworks – raw and purified water storage basin
Our integrated service package provides expert assistance in finding the most suitable solutions for the given water conditions. As part of this, you can entrust AQUAPROFIT’s engineers and specialists with the design, regulatory approval and even full implementation of complex water supply systems based on groundwater.
We recommend this service to municipalities, municipal associations, water utilities, our corporate clients and private customers.
- We examine the hydrogeological conditions of the groundwater (well water) and water base of our clients and / or the quality of the water from the existing drinking water quality improvement technology.
- Document the results of the test.
- In case of non-compliance, we propose the necessary technical intervention in order to achieve the desired water quality.
- If required, we prepare the authorization plan documentation, participate in the conduct of official procedures and obtain the necessary permits for implementation.
- We prepare the construction plan documentation, then on the basis of this we carry out the construction / renovation of the wells, the construction / reconstruction of the well connection lines.
- Construction of the facilities receiving the water treatment technology and installation of the water treatment technology, then we will carry out the test operation and participate in the acquisition of the operating permits.
- If required, the construction and reconstruction of the water distribution network can be integrated into the process of complex implementation.

Hajdúdorog waterworks – pump room
- expert support
- full implementation
- professional knowledge, 25 years of experience
- technology to improve drinking water quality
- complete waterworks
- construction of wells
- water network construction and reconstruction
- Tiszazug Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Tiszazug Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2017)
- Felső-Bácska Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Felső-Bácskai Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Northern Hungary Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Regional Drinking Water Management Association, 2016)
- South Heves Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (South Heves Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Drinking water quality improvement project around Kalocsa (Local Government Association for Drinking Water Quality Improvement around Kalocsa, 2015)
- Komád and Magyarhomorog Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Komádi and Magyarhomorog Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Tassel and Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Tassel and Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Northern Hajdúság Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Northern Hajdúság Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2013)